The mustache is an appliqué.
Chef realizes this comes as a great shock to many in Café 641. And he appreciates the love he’s received from those who noticed the careful grooming and innovative coloring that goes into that swab of facial hair.
But Chef also believes that Who Dats deserve the truth. And the truth is, Chef hasn’t been able to grow large amounts of facial hair upwards of his upper lip since an unfortunate puberty-related incident that occurred when he was 13.
(Apparently, the product he used was not as seen on television and not intended for facial use.)
So here’s the truth: Chef’s 2006 mustache is courtesy of the fine costumers on Magazine Street near Napoleon, a few doors down from Ms. Mae’s.
This one don’t look like it’s got much life left in it, so Chef’s decided to request its enshrinement in the Who Dat Lip Hair Hall of Fame.
That means a new stache for the Carolina game and playoff run.
Chef welcomes styling suggestions for the new lip piece, and suggestions of other Saints’ mustaches of hall of fame caliber.