Chef can't help but wonder if Hollis was sabotaged by teammates surprised by his rapid weight loss regimen and strong training camp performance.
Could it be possible that old friend Brian Young planted a tray of Habanero Hollis Poppers behind the tackling dummy and our boy Hollis couldn't stave off his craving for savory deep fried poppers stuffed with jalapeno queso and bacon bits?
Or was it Big Sed looking for a 1st-string guarantee, thus dropping a H.T. Train Wreck (block of cream cheese drizzled in Tabasco-infused cocktail sauce and shrimp) behind Hollis at the sound of the whistle? (I can only imagine the strain placed on the triceps when whipping back, one-armed, for a taste of the cheese.)
Get thee well, Hollis. You've come back from injustice (c.f. "Who Dat prayers of the faithful) before.
Let this be a lesson to all the kids out there. Never get yourself into shape and rededicate yourself to stepping up your game. Bad things will happen.
Mark me down for hoping they don't put him on IR. Eat the roster spot until you're absolutely sure he won't be available and/or effective for the last 10. 10 games is a lot. Carrying 2 QBs and 1 K should make it palatable to keep Hollis on the 53-man.
Dammit. I said medicinal tonics would be necessary this season, but I didn't realize we'd need them for training camp.
GW: Is your real name John DeShazier?
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