Thanks John DeShazier, Times-Picayune columnist. You understand the beauty of Saints food analogies, for sure.
But Chef was holding down his own Cafe 641 test kitchen, last night brah. Ordered Muffalconettas from Chicken Sue's on West Harrison Ave., then cooked up his own Dirty Bird Rice, and served them all with a mixed drink: The Bloody Falcon.
With the short practice week, it's back to the test kitchen tonight for more work on birds. Your assignment? Matt Leinart & Co. are on the menu board. And it's open every day this week.
I had The.Most.Awesome.Fudge.Ever this past weekend at a friend's house: Wild Turkey Fudge. OMG! Perhaps a little Wild Turkey marinated Cardinal wings.
blackened mitch berger with a side of elton brown rice. (obscure but oh so tasty!)
Honey Nut Anquan Boldin Grahams?
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