Well, you're always welcome to leave your fish at the door and check out our Cafe 641 Sunday Brunch menu.
Heard that your boy Honey Nut Boldin Graham might show up on it. And your old-school punter, too. A little Blackened Mitch Berger. Maybe a marinated Warner Wing.
Stay tuned, Kurt. And try to get ahold of some new jorts. Tim Tebow might have a pair for you.
Tebow's girlfriend is also stacked:
A few suggestions for this week's fare from the boys in the Krazy Kajun Kitchen:
Entree #1 Steve "Blackened Chicken" Breaston peppered with Calvin Pace picante sauce
Entree #2 Neil Rackers' lamb with a drizzle of Bahwoh "Au" Jue
Caribbean treats: Jamaica "jerked chicken" Rector and pan seered Shane Morey eel. Yum Yum!
Dessert: A delicious Antrelle "Cinnamon" Rolle smothered in Matt "under" Ware
Jorts are coming back. With a vengeance.
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