Now, imagine that classic gridiron mantra screamed at high pitches by a litter of five- and six-year-olds, bouncing up and down like pogo sticks. If that don't get you amped for this Sunday's game against the St. Louis Lack of Rams, then Chef can't help you. (Seriously, if you can't picture the Sous Chef pimped out in a gold #12 jersey, bouncing up and down screaming "GAME TIME!" then your imagination suffers. Unless you answered, "It's Business Time." In which case, you money.)
It's also menu time. This week we're paying homage to a ritual dish: The Sacrificial Lamb.
The Cafe 641 menu suggestion board is now open.
Ok, all I thought about was the album by Morris Day and The Time. God I loved them. Did I just show my age?
Bahwoh "au" Jue
Marc "bacon double cheese" Bulger
Chris Draft Beer
Brandon Chillar cheese dog and fries
Hanek Milligan stew
Pepperoni Pisa Tinoisimoa
Tye "chicken" Hill
Dominique "thanksgiving" Byrd
Torry dog Holt-da-relish
Correy Chavous Regal
Dustin "french" Fry
*available in Chris Draft*
**Dining opens at noon in the Dante 'mess' Hall
***Finish your meal with a dome-licious Mother Fakhir Brown-ie a la mode!
Too easy - Rack of Lamb. I am sure you can work in something about the Saintsations Racks in there, too.
Well of course I answered "It's Business Time." It was Wednesday, after all. We've been giggling about that video for months now.
Can't wait to see this week's menu! (Too excited t come up with any coherent suggestions yet.)
After sounding the shofar to signal the sacrifice, what about:
Saintsational Stuffed Rack of Ram, Properly Frenched, Served Rare.
i'll keep working...
Kooky Kajun: Welcome back to the Cafe. Strong work on Sunday at the Jaguar BBQ. You was on Who Dat fiya. Chef sees spoons in your future.
Mark C. and Seester: Damn. Ya'll really wanna go there with the Saintsation-inspired Rack of Lamb? Awright, then. Giddy-up. It is game time, after all.
Don't forget about my gametime cheer!!
PS: Please DON'T use Marc "bacon double cheese" Bulger!
Hawai'ian braised Ewe in a Tinoisamoa pineapple sauce.
Four course "amuses bouche por la cite de la crescent": Pierre's discarded avocado Pittman (french style!), Peggy Hill's Fakhir Brown Betty, Crimson and Glover cake, and Petitti Fours.
Plantain rice Atogwe.
Haslett Mutton: underprepared yet again.
And the main course:
Marc "bacon double cheese" Bulger
Mojo: Chef apologizes for the Bud-induced memory loss -- which game
time cheer?
Ashley: you got eating instructions for underprepared Haslett Mutton?
A recipe for Haslett Mutton: Rub the mutton with garlic, rosemary, lemon, salt, and pepper. Think you are absolutely, completely, prepared. Don't just ignore the crowd watching you, but actively, tacitly disdain them. Place the mutton on a baking sheet and into a 225 degree oven. In 3 1/2 hours, realize that you forgot to rub olive oil on the mutton. Take mutton out of the oven, and wonder why it isn't ready yet.
Blame the fans.
Oh...EATING instructions.
Carve yourself and your guests a nice piece of Haslett mutton. Say the blessing. Cut a piece of it. As you're lifting it to your mouth, you notice the overwhelming gaminess of the meat. You can't understand this, as it is definitely not a cheap cut. Oh no, this was ridiculously expensive.
Then you look at it. Rare as can be. Basically uncooked. Since the cook forgot to use oil, there's no browning at all. You wonder why people ever said this cook knew what he was doing.
As you try to force it down, you realize that with the same piece of meat, a good cook could have done truly amazing things.
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