Chef missed the mark mightily last night at the Monday Night Monstrosity by sitting on and breaking a sacred golden spoon early in the game. He apologizes for his miscue.
Some other omens from last night:
* On the pre-game walk to the Dome, Chef and crew come across a white limousine owned by Old Pimpin', the same limo they visited during last year's playoff game. This was certain to be a good omen, until Chef realized that Old Pimpin' hadn't made the trip from Hattiesburg -- too sick to travel. His fine family promised to deliver him a game day menu.
* Retro golden spoons were in full effect in Cafe 641, including an eye-popping showing from Austin Who Dat, who traveled from Texas for the game, 2006 playoff golden spoon in hand. Austin spent part of his night denouncing his Longhorn alma mater because it was the birthing ground of VY.
* Proud Mary is still four quarters strong.
* Chef's stamina slipped as he was unable to distribute all 200 printed menus prior to kickoff.
And the final bad omen . . . Superdome security actually conducted raids on the Cafe 641 smoker's lounge throughout the game.
I blame myself. I forgot my beads, caught from Coach Payton and Jeff Faine. I forgot my eye black. And I only brought a victory cigar, not a warm-up cigar.
And yes, I started growing the beard back immediately.
No one saw my pre-game assignment and voter participation is down, not good!
No. It is our fault. We never found a proper st. anthony shrine. Well.We found one, but didn't recognize as it was not labeled. The bad mojo continued as it started. My trip home took 9 hours longer than scheduled. 12 hours total. It's a 7.5 hour drive. I cried in the airport.
We wore our Saints vests instead of our Bush jerseys. Rookie mistake...
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