Thursday, October 02, 2008

Introducing . . . Miss Shootz 2 Kill

You know what works? Prayer works. Ya heard?!

But so does the sensitive groin-gina of Martina Grammatilova. Enough to shank two pre-game 35-yard field goals but still killed an even shorter kick when it counts.

And speaking of violence, Cafe 641 hired a fabulous new photographer who goes by "Miss Shootz 2 Kill" a.k.a. "Kodak." Her work has been seen at the New Orleans Museum of Art, a Save Our Cemeteries show, and above the toilet in Chef's own bathroom. Now, Miss Shootz 2 Kill offers the Cafe 35 millimeters of Who Dat Point & Shoot as a new season ticket holder in Row 41. She auditioned for the job in December of 2007 and gave the Cafe it's stylish "tiny eagle" shot:

Here's a small sampling from Game 1 and Game 2:

Chef talks strategery at Hogan's pre-game birthday bash.

Miss Shootz 2 Kill in a daring self-portrait w/ Chef K-Paul on the morning before the 2008 season begins

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