Rico Suave is still our kicker. For now.
And since the Chef has a serious football hangover this morning, he's focusing on what turns his frown upside down: the strong performance in the Upper Terrace seats on Sunday.
To recap . . .
* Golden Spoons awarded to 2 Fetal Who Dats and their maternal Saintsations. If Mare had the good sense to meditate before kicking field goals, he would have easily felt the powerful force of these in utero Who Dats and won the game.
* A Cafe 641 veteran received a late-game Golden Spoon at the tender age of five. What was his claim to Who Dat greatness? Optimism in the face of defeat, on display with high-pitched squeals of "DEFENSE!" after Mare's final miss.
and finally . . .
* No police raids. The Superdome Swat Team called a one-game truce on members of the Cafe 641 Smoker's Lounge, after realizing that cigarettes were the only things keeping the Upper Terrace from dive bombing onto the field in pursuit of Mare.
Oh Chef, how you break the Chicks' hearts. We read your headline with glee only to read your article with gloom....
Yeah. You got me, too. I even shouted it out to my husband, before I read the post.
No teasing . . .
Three cheers for the uterine Who Dats in the stands!
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