* Fox 8 does NOT support Anheuser Busch products. (But Chef will not complain about unlimited free Coors Light, catered chili dogs, or Zapps chips).
* Kim Holden is hot! Jon Stinchcomb not so much.
* Ronnie Ghent made the catch of the morning on a dart from Brees, a receiver-like dive along the sideline past the outstretched hands of Tracy Porter.
* David Patten is ten years older AND smarter than Usama Young. On a hitch and go, Patten hitched a friggin' horse, tied it to a post, gave it water, polished his boots, and still was four steps in front of Young. Oh yeah, there was also that head fake before the hitch that had Young breaking the wrong way.
* The Train Wreck may have lost weight.
* Bobby McCray blew up a running play in the backfield on at least one occasion.
* Rookie free agent DE Marcus Pittman told the Chef after practice that he will make the team. Good luck with that. I'm behind you.
* Jason David threw up the Q with a fan after practice.
* J. David was the only Saints player who removed his jersey before approaching fans to sign autographs. Hmmm. Explanations on this one?
* Reggie Bush and Skyler Green were the last Saints players to leave the practice field after signing autographs for 30 minutes. Other late signers included: Charles Grant, Jason David, Drew Brees, and Scott Fujita.
Yeah baby! Ronnie Ghent action! He's a beast, I tells ya!
Could David have taken off his jersey because he was worried that the fans would know who he was? That's my guess.
Preciate the notes, Chef. What about BIG Sed? As advertised? Maybe that's the reason it looked like Hollis lost weight... maybe he and Sed switched jerseys as a prank. That's the only reasonable explanation I can come up with.
I'm officially stoked about the fall. Feelin' real good about it. And feelin' good is good enough for me. Good enough for me & Bobby McCray.
Who lined up to get J. David's autograph?
The families of NFL receivers? You know, to thank him for the signing bonuses they've accumulated thanks to him?
GW: Saw Sed in 7 on 7 drills, but couldn't focus by then on account of quickly consumed beers on Mr. Benson's Fox 8 dime. Hollis, for true, looked . . . dare I say it . . . slimmer.
Dilly: You the winner. J. David met exclusively with families, and small children at that. honestly did not witness a single autograph. more mingling and casual conversation.
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