They arrive with bright faces, open minds, and hearts full of hope. They come both underweight and overweight. With both highly regarded pedigrees and little known pasts. Some claim to be in perfect shape. Others keep their mouths shut.
In every case, though, they deserve the same (with some safety considerations, of course):

Looks like Saints staffers have kicked the 2008 NFL Hazing Season with the distribution of these photos. (Thanks Saintsational for the heads up.) Cafe 641 would like to contribute to Hazing Season by echoing Canal Street Chronicles call for captions:

So many fine, young menz. Sigh.
Chef! My child, my child - he's a giant killer! Woo hoo. This bodes well for the football season to come.
"lemme slide in and be the meat in this yummy man sam-ich!"
(sorry, i felt the need to go gay...)
We're sorry, but no apologies accepted during hazing season. Thank you for your superb efforts.
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