11:15 am
Porn: "Arrive at downtown Hilton"
11:20 am
Denim: "Any idea what shade of orange paper you use for the menus? I'm about to go to Kinko's and I don't want to f*** with a good thing."
12:32 pm
Denim: "200 menus fresh off the printer. One of the best $47 I ever spent."
12:37 pm
Porn: "On Drink #2. Crown on the rocks. Bartenders terrible. Miami not at all equipped to handle the Who Dat Nation."
1:34 pm
Porn: "About to taxi to South Beach."
4:30 pm
Photo received of Porn Chef and Denim & Diamonds on South Beach. Denim wearing gold "F*** the Colts!" t-shirt.
Porn: "Denim & Diamonds and Porn Chef undercover in MIA at Fat Tuesday's. Denim & Diamonds had trouble recognizing the Porn Chef without his hair."
5:32 pm
Porn: "K Gates and his Black & Gold Superbowl live in the house! Got a picture with him."
7:33 pm
Denim: "The Who Dat Nation has taken over South Beach. Saints fans outnumber Colts fans at least five to one. They got rid of the open container law this weekend for us. For all of ya'll that couldn't make it, don't worry. We are representing the city. Who Dat!"
8:00 pm
Porn: "Talked to a Colts family for 10 minutes. Great people. We all agreed there were no villains to root against Sunday. I told them Peyton got his Super Bowl and it was Saints destiny this time. Had to put the porn in the back pocket since they had two kids with them. Good times. On to Emeril's."
8:34 pm
Porn: "Light rain falling in MIA. Translation: blessing from God to all his Saints."
This just in:
Nola Chick is a Who Dat Gladiator.