But the view from Cafe 641 is focused squarely on the business end of the franchise, which means it's time to take a look at how our gal Rita conditions in the off-season . . .
Apparently, she starts with the awards circuit: Street & Smith's Business Journal Forty Under 40 Award.
The single largest benefit of Street & Smith's list for your common Upper Terrace Who Dat is it's inclusion of Rita's dating profile (ya heard me Mr. Rita?). Wanna impress Rita? Here's a few tips:
* tell her you've always wanted to be a superhero (that's her fantasy job)
* quote long passages from Martin Gayford's, “The Yellow House: Van Gogh, Gauguin, and Nine Turbulent Weeks in Arles,” Rita's most recent read.
and when all else fails . . . look deeply into Rita's eyes and tell her about what's on your ipod:
Kenna (is that a Rita cameo in the bar scene?)
Where did you get that pic, Chef?
OH, we might decide to go to the game in April, still don't know for sure.
This revolution movement promoted on my sight is proving to be a challenge. Despite the actual presence of bad asses in New Orleans, isn't that amazing, NOLA CHICK still says " Do your best to PASS THE TIME UNTIL FOOTBALL SEASON." C'mon Chef, you know we are in-season, 2X's over with the Voodoo. WORK IT CHEF!!! LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!! C'mon!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! KEEP JUMPIN' UP AND DOWN, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!
THIS IS REALLY HOW WE DO!!!!!!! DON'T STOP!!!!!!!!! .......wait, put that spoon down, AND JUST WORK IT, BEE STYLE!!!!!!
PS: What's the Bees record under Chef attendance?
IF winning, read my comment again!!
My off season work out consists of consuming girl scout cookies. For energy. My little girl is in rehab with a broken arm. Teeter-totter mishap during the off-season conditioning.
anyway you could photoshop the thicks into that pic?
Jake: pic came from a NOLA publication from last year -- found it through a Google search.
Seester: girl scout cookies are good carb replacements when dancing with Rita to Kenna.
nolachick: Thicks? euphemism for a Reggie body part?
Don't you believe it, Jake. As they say, the good borrow, the great steal. Chef, being a great one, stole that pic from me.
Now that I have both a) da wife's permission, and b) the info (from Chef), I am armed and dangerous, or as the girls all say, "cocked and loaded".
true dat, Ashley. True dat. First saw it at your place. At what point do the collective swirl of sweat and alcohol that circulates within the Dome become the consciousness of all? Can't remember anymore where I've been or where I'm going . . . oh yeah . . . to Deuce's nuptials, then Stevie G's.
Ashley, you wanna drive or ride shotgun? Driver has to be ready for quick getaway and video documentation. Rider has to lead chants, avoid the offensive line groomsmen, and block a bridal bouqet toss.
I'm thinking shotgun. I'm more of a "Hollis trying to blitz" type, so that should fit my skill set.
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