(Not really. But, after Deuce backed away from a Cafe 641 partnership, Chef knew of only one other Saint interested in restaurant endorsement deals.)
In its final tune-up for the regular season, Cafe 641 announced today that Chef will unveil a Hollis-Lite section of the menu, dedicated to trimming off HT's final few pounds before Sept. 6. Thomas' mouth was full when Chef contacted him with the endorsement package, but it sounded like a "yes," and there was a lot of enthusiastic gesturing.
Menu contributions are now being accepted through Wednesday, August 29. Winning dish contributors who also stagger into Section 641 during game-time on Thursday will be awarded with a commemorative pre-season Golden Spoon.
Kudos for the fantastic selection. Hollis had some new spin moves to show off early in the preseason. Maybe he's itching for the nickname "twinkle toes."
Congrats on snagging the endorsement.
OK - I'm going to state the obvious. Hollisdaise sause over falcon eggs...
Oh! And I've got a place where I've created a chat room. I am thinking of either sunday night or monday morning post game decompression. Anyone interested?
ALSO, since I will not be able to see at least 10 of the games, anyone want to update me during games? LOL!
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