He's a clean-shaven, polite young man with impeccable social graces, this Mr. Rita is. But he's been stricken with a case of the Ritas. Take this photo right here, for example.
Nothing wrong with a pencil-thin, off-season 'stache. Especially when you hail from the Cafe. But a pinwheel? Are you serious?

Sorry brother. Don't look like you getting any relief soon. Not with the T-P getting you all hot and bothered this weekend.
Here's a taste of our Cafe 641 resident's torture . . .
". . . a woman is standing in the aisle, staring at the field and bouncing gingerly on her toes, despite her impossibly tall pumps. She wears a flared black skirt, a crisp white blouse with ruffles down the front and glamorous earrings that flash now and then through her tousled, curly chestnut hair."
". . . she sometimes hoots, sometimes does a little two-step, sometimes claps slowly and rhythmically . . . . And, all the while, she takes sneak peeks at the BlackBerry that is never out of her reach."
"Go-go-go-go-go-go, " the woman wails, on her feet again. Her eyes are riveted to the . . ."

NEW POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW Chef, looks like you have created enough posts in the last couple of days to make up for all those months of hibernation. Welcome back!!
Now listen, you gotta be careful about your offseason performance. You may get off easy at first, but rest assured, right after the NBA Finals in June, I will be observing thee all too closely!!!!
PS: Poor Mr. Rita, still driving down a never ending road of hopelessness and despair.
I shall have my day. A philantropic yankee from Delaware poses little threat to me. My time will come.
BTW; Thanks for the write-up big guy. Can't wait until gameday. Regards to the wife and sous chefs.
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