Well, because Chef always follows and believes web links, he's back on the horse, following the union's lead.
It wasn't a complete hibernation. Chef spent some time at East Jefferson General Hospital in the Same Day Surgery unit in early February, where his discharge assessment read:
* Discharged by wheelchair to home. Temp: 97.1. Blood Pressure: 107/60.
* Prescription delivered to spouse.
* Post-anesthesia instructions include: no alcoholic beverages including beer for 24 hours; no operation of motor vehicles or machinery or power tools for 24 hours. Also, no bicycle riding, skate boarding, or use of gym sets.
* Light activity only; no heavy lifting or straining; showers only; avoid strenuous play
* Change moustache dressing as needed.
Don't know exactly how Mickey Loomis spent his weeks off. But Chef got his priorities straight:
Come free agency on February 29, come ticket renewal time (nevermind the alleged increase Chef heard Bobby and Kenny blathering about today), come Draft Day Bash on Airline Drive . . . we'll be ready with Who Dat follicles sprouting the cause.
It may be 2008, but Earn It! never felt so right.
Do I want to know where the donor hair comes from?
Probably you do, yes: www.supasaint.com
Okay, so then it has been presoaked in bud to make it more pliable. very cost efficient.
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