Cafe 641 Who Dats! Upper Terrace Who Dats! Any Who Dats within screaming distance!
Chef is looking to host a Who Dat Mardi Gras reunion to say thank you to our coach.
Saturday night, Endymion will have an entire float devoted to Saints players. Sunday night, Drew Brees will toss beads while a Bacchus paige supports his left elbow. Chef recommends Who Dat attendance at both these parades.
But Chef is saving up his own mojo for Monday night and Coach Payton.
As Coach Payton will be riding as Orpheus royalty on Monday night (Feb. 19), Chef (and probably every other Saints fan) thinks it proper to say thank you with deafening Who Dat cheers, standard black and gold Superdome attire, and hundreds of signs.
Chef will be holding it down on Monday, February 19th at the lake-side corner of Constantinople and St. Charles in Uptown New Orleans.
He's looking for other Cafe 641 diners and Dome rats at large to invade the streets with. Chef's groin has fully healed through a constant regimen of Payton's Playoff Punch (New Orleans Rum Reggie Rum w/ Deuce Juice). He'll be ready to roll.
Chef will bring menus, wooden spoons, eye black, and freshly groomed facial hair. You bring the love.
Leave e-mail for more info.